I am an aspiring superwoman trying to fit everything in. I'm married to a wonderful man and we have Boy/Girl twins, who were born in July of 2009. We decided that I should quit my career and stay home with the kids, and while it has been wonderful, it is not without challenges.
I had a great career in health and fitness for ten years. My Bachelors degree is in Kinesiology/ Athletic Training and my masters degree is in Sport and Exercise Science. I have had the opportunity to work in several settings spanning from a division I sports medicine program to managing a corporate fitness center. Along the way my passion for health and fitness has grown.
Being at home this past year and a half has opened my eyes to the challenges that busy moms face in staying fit and healthy. I decided to start this blog to share my experiences and hopefully help moms find workable ways to fit in a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their families.